
Festool (r) essentials: the domino df 500 joining system - with ct dust ext

av Ltd. Schiffer Publishing

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2008-08-25
Antal sidor 160
ISBN 9780764331046
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The new Festool® Domino DF 500 Joining System simplifies the difficult, slow process of joining. Consisting of the Domino joiner and Domino tenons, it uses a revolutionary cutting method, simple indexing features and adjustable mortise sizing to make flawless mortises every time. The unique shape and construction of the tenon itself is much stronger than either dowels or biscuits. It is rotation-free and provides a large gluing surface for superior strength. This user’s guide gives a complete, easy-to-understand explanation of the Domino system, and step-by-step instructions for its use and applications. The Domino is covered in detail, including settings, adjustments, and variations, as well as accessories that can be used to make the work even easier. Several applications include joining edges, butt joints, and complex miter joints. The Domino joining system, as all Festool tools, is designed to work with the Festool CT Dust Extraction System. This system, including it various accessories, is also explained in detail.
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