
South bend ghosts - and other northern indiana haunts

av Stephen Osborne

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2009-02-06
Antal sidor 159
ISBN 9780764331992
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Take a haunted journey to discover the ghosts and legends of South Bend and northern Indiana. Meet the ghosts of football great George Gipp, that still haunts his old stomping grounds at Notre Dame University and the infamous Belle Gunness, who murdered over 40 people at her LaPorte farmhouse. Feel goose bumps rise as you learn of a ghostly girl, that hangs from the bell tower at St. Mary's College. Enjoy a meal at Tippecanoe Place Restaurant, where a ghost may pass right through you, and stay at the Inn at Aberdeen, where you may come face-to-face with the spirit of a playful little girl ghost! Haunted roads, unexplained lights on the horizon, a house that possesses those who dare reside there, and even phantom felines await you in South Bend and the surrounding area.
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