
Collector's Guide To The Axinite Group

av Robert J. Lauf

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2009-02-24
ISBN 9780764332166
Kategori(er) Naturvetenskap & teknik
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The axinite group of rock-formed minerals is well known to collectors through the spectacularly sharp crystals collected in quantity at Dal'negorsk and Puiva in Russia and at Tomas and other localities in Pakistan. Axinites are occasionally cut as gems. This concise monograph provides an up-to-date review of the group, incorporating recent changes to the names of three axinite species. The book is illustrated with over 90 full-color photographs of representative specimens. After a brief introduction, the text provides an explanation of the chemistry and taxonomy of the group and an illustration of the crystal structure and morphologies of real crystals. Detailed entries for each mineral provide information on notable localities and full-color photos wherever possible, so that readers can see what good specimens look like and which minerals one might expect to find in association with axinites. This book is a must for mineral collectors everywhere.
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