
North Carolina Haunts

av Kevin Thomas Ward

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2011-06-20
Antal sidor 160
ISBN 9780764337901
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Do ghosts exist? Is it possible that certain events can leave a mark on a location and repeat themselves over and over again? In North Carolina the answer is a definite yes! In the mountain town of Asheville, former, long-dead residents of the Smith-McDowell house still linger in the halls, reminding staff and visitors of their presence with ghostly voices. The long-dead crew of the WWII Battleship North Carolina in the Port City of Wilmington comes to life at night—though they lost their lives in battle, they continue to go about their duties. They've been seen walking down corridors in full uniform only to vanish as they pass by witnesses! Don't miss the glowing fog at Cape Hatteras that takes on the shape of a featureless human walking towards the shore at night, and the Devil's Tramping Ground where deadly steps kill all the plant life in the Piedmont. Read 34 haunting tales and ghostly encounters from some of the most fascinating haunted locations that North Carolina has to offer!
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