
Collector's Guide To The Beryl Group

av Robert J. Lauf

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2011-09-21
Antal sidor 93
ISBN 9780764338786
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Beryl in its many color varieties is a favorite of both mineral collectors and gemologists. Superb examples are found at many locales worldwide, mainly in pegmatites and schists. Other members of the group are prized by species collectors and micromount enthusiasts. This book explains how beryl is formed and the unique conditions that create fine aquamarines and emeralds. After a brief introduction, the general treatment begins with an explanation of the chemistry and taxonomy of the group. A section on their formation and geochemistry explains the kinds of environments where beryls are formed. Detailed entries for each mineral provide locality information and full-color photos so that collectors can see what good specimens look like and which minerals one might expect to find in association with them. An extensive bibliography is provided for further study. Over 100 photographs of these beautiful minerals show each species in its geological context.
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