
Showhouses 3 : A Decorators' Tour

av Jeffrey B. Snyder

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2012-11-16
Antal sidor 224
ISBN 9780764341748
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In this continuing, successful series, over 200 beautiful and inspiring color photos reveal the recent contributions to the field of interior design by talented designers participating in Decorator Showhouse events across the United States. Interior designers, assisted by a dedicated army of avid volunteers, transform rooms of historical houses into masterful works of art. Created to astound the public and contribute to charitable causes, these designers create masterworks of interior design. Within the pages of this fascinating book, you will tour the showhouses without the crowds, moving from one room to the next, lingering over every detail just as long as you like. Once your head is filled with inspiration, you may turn to the lists of participating designers and additional Showhouse events taking place across the nation. For anyone passionate about interior design, this is one book in a series that will be returned to time and again.
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