
Cane & Rush Seating

av Charlotte LaHalle

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2013-12-28
ISBN 9780764345470
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Learn traditional chair seating using six-strand caning or rush weaving with marsh grass, straw, and alternative materials. These two crafts share the same skills and can be used for creating new seats or restoring old, so it is no longer necessary to ditch that old kitchen chair with the fraying seat. Instead, simply repair the seat or give it a new one. Clearly explained with 197 color images and diagrams, this essential guide will help you create beautiful seats on stools, chairs, armchairs, and more. For caning, instructions include preparing the seat, laying the cane strands, joining two cane strands, padding, and the materials and tools needed. Rush weaving techniques include making a strand by twisting straw threads, making the seat, tightening, and padding. Once you have mastered the basics of caning or rush work, they can easily be adapted for different seat shapes. This book is perfect for furniture makers, the home fix-it-upper, and the weekend crafter.
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