
The Culinary Lives Of John & Abigail Adams : A Cookbook

av Rosana Y. Wan

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2014-10-28
ISBN 9780764346699
Kategori(er) Mat & dryck
 ↳ Kokböcker
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Throughout their 54-year marriage, John and Abigail Adams enjoyed hearty, diverse cuisine in their native Massachusetts, as well as in New York, Philadelphia, and Europe. Raised with traditional New England palates, they feasted on cod, roast turkey, mince pie, and plum pudding. These recipes, as well as dishes from published cookbooks settlers brought from the Old World, such as roast duck, Strawberry Fool, and Whipt Syllabub, are included in this historical cookbook. Join John, who wrote his wife about dinners with upper-class families in Philadelphia while serving in the Second Continental Congress, and Abigail, the loyal and generous hostess who crossed the Atlantic to join the first American Ambassador to Great Britain, on this culinary journey. Together or separate, at home or abroad, this extraordinary couple humbly experienced an international style of cookery that inspired modern American culinary culture. Now, while attempting these 56 recipes, read about and toast their contributions to democracy.
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