
Contemporary Cape Cod Artists: On Abstraction

av Deborah Forman

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2015-04-21
ISBN 9780764348655
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This book features 45 Cape Cod artists working in abstraction, displaying more than 400 images of their work. Based on her interviews with the artists, the author writes about their aspirations and approaches. The art, which include paintings, photographs, sculpture, and prints, show a range of approaches to abstraction, from those that include an interpreted element of the real world to others that are completely non-objective. Learn about the artists’ lives, their inspirations, how they proceeded on the path to abstraction, and the ideas behind their works. Abstraction’s place in art history is explored, as well as its relationships to other movements. The narrative gives insight into the creative talents of the artists and provides an understanding of abstract art in relationship to the world art scene.
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