
The Beauty Of Time : The Watches of A. Lange & Söhne

av Harry Niemann - Jonee Tiedemann

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2016-02-28
ISBN 9780764349560
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With more than 200 photographs and specifications for 32 watches, this book provides a comprehensive history of one of Germany's finest watchmakers and its timepieces. Since its founding in 1845, A. Lange and Sohne has been at the core of fine watchmaking. Wanting to create perfectly timed watches that did not require remachining, innovative watchmaker Ferdinand Adolph Lange established a tradition of precise workmanship that evolved through generations of the family into a production facility of haute horlogerie, handcrafting a mere 5,500 pieces a year. From the rare 1A-quality works that command top dollars at auctions to its more affordable and modern Lange 1, Arkade, and Saxonia models, the company's high-quality timepieces and the people behind the brand are detailed. From rare and historical pocket watches to the company's line of modern wristwatches, all conserve the philosophy of a man instrumental to the evolution of mechanical timekeeping.
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