
Philadelphia : A Keepsake

av Michael P. Gadomski

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2019-06-28
ISBN 9780764357572
Kategori(er) Fakta
 ↳ Geografi & resor
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From the founding of democracy in the Western Hemisphere to the modern skyscrapers, take a quick yet in-depth tour of America’s sixth-largest city. From Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell you will continue on to its beautiful parks, annual flower show, monuments, festivals, architecture, universities, and dynamic city skyline. See its diverse neighborhoods and the iconic South Street. Witness street artists and the classics at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Crave sinking your teeth into a Philly cheesesteak and the variety of mouthwatering foods for sale in the unique markets. Philadelphia's sights are wrapped up for you in a beautifully photographed and designed compact book to hold as your own keepsake or to give as a gift to a special friend, family member, or business associate.
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