
Contemporary Black American Ceramic Artists

av Donald A Clark och Chotsani Elaine Dean

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2022-11-22
ISBN 9780764364570
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Sharing their insights in compelling interviews, 38 of today’s Black ceramists demonstrate a diversity of studio practices and ways of using clay, together with more than 300 stunning photos of their work. Especially crucial in light of the times, this book helps disperse the fog of noninclusion. With the goal of giving the artists the recognition long overdue them, donald a clark and Chotsani Elaine Dean begin by grounding us in history and context. The authors take us through time, explaining recent important research from Drayton Hall in South Carolina, for example, and other work that has helped honor the contributions, presence, and experiences of African Americans in ceramic history in America. Bringing us to today, clark and Dean present for each of 38 contemporary ceramic artists an introduction, an interview with the artist, and photos highlighting some of their work. This important and necessary information, with its impact on the medium as a whole, is beautifully and engagingly presented to makers and craft appreciators alike.
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