
San Miguel De Allende

av Steven House - Cathi House

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2023-08-29
ISBN 9780764366826
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Lovingly crafted photo book of San Miguel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site consistently voted one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

San Miguel de Allende is an exquisitely beautiful, well-preserved Spanish colonial town. This charming 480-year-old city, considered to be one of the most picturesque towns in Mexico, sits at an elevation of 6,400 feet on a vast plateau of rolling hills in the Sierra Madre mountain range.

The rhythms of day and night in San Miguel are modulated by the deeply resonant sounds of church bells as they ring out the quarter hours—connecting everyone into the web of humanity that occupies this beautiful town.

Over 700 images in this reasonably priced coffee-table book lovingly capture these and other scenes that embody the charm and life of this thriving town. All of San Miguel's 17th-century architecture, people, festivals, and culture are shown.

Divided into the following sections:
• Architecture
• The Arts
• Holy Days
• People
• Churches
• Markets
• Gardens & Plazas
• Festivals
• Reflections
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