
The Houses of History: A Criticial Reader in Twentieth-Century History and Theory | 2:a upplagan

av Anna Green, Kathleen Troup och Eric Barendt

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Förlag New York University Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 1999-03-01
Upplaga 2
Antal sidor 384
ISBN 9780814731277
Kategori(er) Historia & arkeologi
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Every piece of historical writing has a theoretical basis on which evidence is selected, filtered, and understood. This is as true of scientific empiricism as it is of poststructualism.

The Houses of History provides a comprehensive introduction to the twelve schools of thought which have had the greatest influence on the study of history in the twentieth century. Ranging from Empiricism to Postcolonialism, Marxism to the Ethnohistorians, each chapter begins with an introduction to the particular school, the main protagonists, the critics, and is followed by a useful section of further readings. From the classic, such as G. R. Elton's "England Under the Tudors" and E. P. Thompson's "The Making of the English Working Class," to the recent, such as Henrietta Whiteman's "White Buffalo Woman" and Judith Walkowitz's "City of Dreadful Delight," the diverse selections collected here bring together the leading historians and theorists of the century.

Comprehensive and accessible to undergraduates, The Houses of History is ideally suited to classroom use.

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