
The Foreign Policy of the European Union : Assessing europe's role in the world | 3:e upplagan

av Federiga Bindi

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Förlag Brookings Institution
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2022-10-04
Upplaga 3
Antal sidor 406
ISBN 9780815738114
Lägg i varukorgen

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An all-inclusive, exhaustive evaluation of the foreign policy of the European Union.

Ten years ago the 2009 Lisbon Treaty put into place the legal and structural foundations for the European Union to play a role as a global actor. In the decade since, the EU itself has undergone intense political and economic stress, from debt crises to the rise of nationalist parties and the strains of Brexit. What effect have these changes had on the EU's foreign policy and its role in the world?

This new edition of The Foreign Policy of the European Union offers an up-to-date and comprehensive examination of that question. The globe-spanning contributions to the book include a look at relations between Brussels and its regional neighbors, including Russia; the tensions that have arisen with the United States during the Trump administration; and the burgeoning relationship with China. How the EU is dealing with issues such as migration, terrorism, trade, and security round out the volume.

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