
Psychology for the Third Millennium : Integrating Cultural and Neuroscience Perspectives | 1:a upplagan

av Fathali M. Moghaddam och Rom Harre

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2012-03-19
Upplaga 1
ISBN 9780857022684
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As the 21st Century opened, the discipline of psychology seemed to be separating into two radically distinct domains. Qualitative and Cultural Psychology focused on the discursive means for the management of meaning in a world of norms, while Neuropsychology and Neuroscience focused on the investigation of brain processes. These two domains can be reconciled in a hybrid science that brings them together into a synthesis more powerful than anything psychologists have achieved before. For the first time, there is the possibility of a general psychology in which the biological and the cultural aspects of human life coalesce into a unitas multiplex, unity in diversity.


This textbook ambitiously aims to and succeeds in providing this unity. Fathali M. Moghaddam and Rom Harré have designed a textbook brought together with additional voices that speak to the similarities and differences of these two seemingly distinctive domains. This bridge-building will encourage a new generation of undergraduate students studying psychology to more fully appreciate the real potential for the study of human behaviour, and as such it will represent a more provocative alternative to standard general psychology textbooks. It also support teaching in a host of courses, namely 2nd and 3rd courses on the conceptual and philosophical nature of psychology, social psychology, critical psychology and cognitive science. Selectively, it will also represent a very interesting and different choice for foundation level students too.


Social Science Bites - Listen to Rom Harre on 'What is Social Science?


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