
Power Of Authenticity

av Joshua Guilar

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2008-11-28
Antal sidor 230
ISBN 9780875168227
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Authenticity involves the study of truth – the unique truth about each person. No-one else knows exactly what that truth is, for it resides deep within the heart and soul. No-one else can teach this truth. How, then, can we achieve a life of authenticity on our own? Becoming more authentic is a long-term process of character building. To explain authenticity as character building THE POWER OF AUTHENTICITY, by Joshua Guilar, relies on two major themes to guide you through the process on your own. The first theme is spirituality. A key assumption in this book is that authenticity is integrating our words and actions with our inner nature, which is in the deepest sense connected with our spiritual roots. The second theme in addition to spirituality is human life as dialogue. Human life is an evolutionary process continuously influenced by dialogue – people become who they are through communication. Understanding the dialogic nature of life gives insight into how communication shapes our relationships. In becoming authentic we deepen our connections with others, reinforce our sense of purpose and find true happiness that flows through every cell in our bodies.
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