
Cooking For The '80s

av Hermie Kranzdorf

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 1998-01-26
Fler upplagor 1998/0
ISBN 9780887400063
Kategori(er) Mat & dryck
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The 1980s and their new level of hustle and bustle have continued to redefine the way things are done in modern American kitchens. Cooking for the 1980s is one cookbook that can keep up with our busy lifestyles. Hundreds of marvelous recipes for foods that warm the soul as well as the body, presented with an emphasis on hearty foods that are healthy, warm, and filling. Information on family dinners, fast meals for working families, one-pot meals, do-ahead dinners, and elegant party dishes. All of the recipes are written in a unique way to make the directions especially easy to follow. Stopping points in the recipes as well as storage, reheating and freezing instructions are all italicized for instant recognition. Many hand drawings illustrate the cooking techniques described in the recipes.
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