
British long case clocks

av Derek Roberts

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 1997-01-09
Antal sidor 380
ISBN 9780887402302
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"The longcase clock has been a part of the Englishman's home for some 300 years and has gained a place in his heart seldom if every achieved by any other domestic item. An example of its importance in family life is that it, with the bed and the house, was nearly always mentioned specifically in the will." In Derek Roberts's important new book, readers find a wealth of valuable information detailing the British origins, evolution, and wide range of longcase clocks that have been produced since the sixteenth century. In twenty chapters Mr. Roberts provides a detailed overview of many facets of these beautiful and useful art works, including early square dial, rare, astronomical and equation clocks, walnut breakarch longcase clocks (and those in other woods), and thirty-hour clocks. Other chapters detail various dial and decoration forms, precision timekeeping, important makers, and clocks of the Victorian and Edwardian eras right up to modern times. A glossary of terms and lengthy index of makers are included. In British Longcase Clocks, Mr. Roberts share his wealth of knowledge enthusiastically and presents over 300 black and white and full-color photographs of details and whole clocks. His book will interest clock owners and all who love fine furniture.
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