
Plastic toys - dimestore dreams of 50s and 60s

av Bill Hanlon

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 1997-01-08
Antal sidor 288
ISBN 9780887404603
Kategori(er) Naturvetenskap & teknik
 ↳ Teknik
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This tremendously informative book is the most complete source for collectible plastic toys. Over 850 vivid color photographs display plastic toys-from cars, trucks, and airplanes to dolls and dollhouse furniture-supplemented by manufacturers' diagrams and molders' marks. Industry development from the 1930s through the 1960s is discussed, with attention to wartime changes in plastic toys production. With charm and light touch, Bill Hanlon explains technical facts of the plastics industry and provides down-to-earth, useful information on how to evaluate, repair, and care for your collection. For the detail-hungry collector, there is an extensive price guide and a chapter on researching and identifying individual pieces. Hanlon also presents significant information that has only recently come to light, providing a means of identifying toys whose origins until now were a complete mystery.
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