
A Guide To Sandwich Glass : Pressed Tableware From Volume 1

av Raymond E. Barlow

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 1997-01-15
ISBN 9780887405525
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A book that will guide you when you are in the process of buying or appraising Sandwich glass is the most important tool you can own. This book is one of a series of guide books that describes every type of glass that was produced in Sandwich, Massachusetts. It uses the original plates of glass photos and the identification numbers form Volume 3 of The Glass Industry in Sandwich, a larger book by the same authors. (Volumes 3 and 4 are available, and Volumes 1 and 2 are in preparation.) This makes cross references much easier. In order to make this series of guides compact and light in weight, the photos from Volume 3 have been divided into two smaller guides. This one contains the complete chapters on witch balls, covered containers, toys (miniatures) and the creations of Nicholas Lutz. Another guide, available now, contains vases, colognes and stoppers. The extensive categorization and illustration of Sandwich glass should make this guide valuable for field use.The prices in this guide reflect the market at the time of publication. They will be periodically updated in a separate price guide available from the publishers.
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