
Arcade Treasures

av Bill Kurtz

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Förlag Schiffer Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 1997-01-06
ISBN 9780887406195
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Today, a sense of nostalgia and the irresistible urge to play have combined to make arcade memorabilia and antique arcade games one of the hottest collectible fields of our time. This book is filled with 447 color photos of the greatest games ever to hit the arcade scene-the earliest arcades' strength testers and fortune tellers, perennial favorites like baseball games and SKEE-BALL, wild pinball games from the middle of the century, and modern electronic video game like PAC MAN and Q*BERT. While American manufacturers have maintained a solid grip on the market, some interesting offerings are included from foreign manufacturers. Also included are a section on novelty products, a detailed discussion of the development of different game trends, a history of significant manufacturers and designers, and a thorough price guide. Kurtz shares tips on how to begin moving in the arcade trading circuit, how to locate your favorite games, and how to maintain and repair your collection. Beginning collectors and long-time fans alike will find Kurtz's information helpful. With its foreword by Sha-Na-Na's Screamin' Scott Simon this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the games of yesteryear-and of today!
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