
Awakening To Animal Voices : A Teen Guide to Telepathic Communication with All Life

av Dawn Baumann Brunke

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2004-02-26
Antal sidor 256
ISBN 9780892811366
Kategori(er) Media & kommunikation
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As companions helpers and spiritual guides animals have always held a special relationship with the human community. AWAKENING TO ANIMAL VOICES helps teens access their natural ability to communicate with the animal kingdom and open more profoundly to life other human beings and the deeper nature within themselves. Through games exercise experiments and stories teens will learn to tune into the subtler whispers of nature. They will discover their personal animal guide and learn the spiritual tools of shamanic journeys dream work visualisations and shape shifting. Filled with advice from animal communication professionals and actual conversations with animals AWAKENING TO ANIMAL VOICES is an invitation to awaken to our inner way of knowing in order to communicate most effectively with animals humans and ourselves - and thereby express a more consciously alive self in the world.
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