
Sacred Mushroom Seeker : Tributes to R.Gordon Wasson by Terence McKenna, Joan Halifax, Peter Furst, Albert Hofmann, Richard Evan

av Thomas Riedlinger

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 1997-03-01
Antal sidor 304
ISBN 9780892813384
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A celebration of the life and pioneering work of the eminent mycologist and scholar R. Gordon Wasson. A legendary figure in the field of ethnobotany, R. Gordon Wasson's trail-blazing work on hallucinogenic mushrooms with the Mexican curandera Maria Sabina in the 1950s brought increased scholarly attention to the importance of psychoactive plants in the spiritual life of indigenous peoples and had a profound influence well beyond the academic world. His accessible writings helped popularize these discoveries, forming the ground for the social revolution of the following decade. With the growing interest in the role of psychoactive plants in society today, the work of R. Gordon Wasson and the example set by the man himself, so well illustrated here, takes on increasing importance."
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