
Medical Herbalism

av Editor: David Hoffmann

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Förlag Healing Arts Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2003
Antal sidor 672
ISBN 9780892817498
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A foundational textbook on the scientific principles of therapeutic herbalism and their application in medicine - A complete handbook for the medical practitioner - Includes the most up-to-date information on preparations, dosage, and contraindications - By the author of "The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal ""Medical Herbalism" contains comprehensive information concerning the identification and use of medicinal plants by chemical structure and physiological effect, the art and science of making herbal medicine, the limitations and potential of viewing herbs chemically, and the challenge to current research paradigms posed by complex plant medicines. It also includes information on toxicology and contraindications, the issues involved in determining dosage and formulation types for an individual, guides to the different measurement systems and conversion tables, and the pros and cons of both industrial and traditional techniques. With additional sections devoted to the principles of green medicine, the history of Western Herbalism, the variety of other medical modalities using medicinal plants, an extensive resource directory, and a discussion of treatments organized by body system, "Medical Herbalism" is the comprehensive textbook all students and practitioners of clinical herbalism need to develop their healing practices.
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