
Aromatherapy Handbook For Beauty, Hair And Skin Care

av Erich Keller

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Förlag Healing Arts Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 1999-11-09
Antal sidor 200
ISBN 9780892818310
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A comprehensive guide to cosmetics and body-care products you can make yourself with essential oils that are healthier and less expensive than their commercially made equivalents. • Over 100 simple and inexpensive recipes. • In addition to providing general skin and hair care, formulas treat acne, sunburn, cellulite, wrinkles, and many other conditions. Now anyone can take personal control of the beauty and cosmetic products they use. This complete guide to aromatherapy for hair and skin care explains how to create cosmetics that are custom-made, natural, vibrant, and healthy--and that avoid the preservatives and additives of commercial products. More than 100 recipes provide an endless variety of formulas and fragrances to choose from. Remarkably easy and inexpensive to prepare, these recipes for shampoos and rinses, bath and massage oils, astringents and aftershaves, cleansers, masks, and lotions require only a few basic ingredients that are all easily obtained. From a facial steam bath of juniper, lemon, and cypress to a tanning lotion of witch hazel, bergamot, and lavender or a stimulating massage oil of rosewood, geranium, and orange, aromatherapy cosmetics can be made to individual specifications and used as charming personalized gifts. Keller explains how to identify the purest oils and tells which are naturally suited to specific hair and skin types. He also describes their individual healing properties so that people can use and combine their favorite scents with confidence.
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