
Spice Lilies : Eastern Secrets to Healing with Ginger Turmeric Cardamom and Galangale

av Susanne Poth och Gina Sauer

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2000-07-26
Antal sidor 128
ISBN 9780892818907
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The first book to bring together all the medical, culinary, and historical information on this amazing plant family.

• Provides complete information on a family of spices scientifically proven to improve digestion, lower cholesterol, reduce heart disease and strokes, eliminate free radicals, and relieve nausea.

• Includes more than 40 delicious recipes--from the exotic to the simple--using these spices.

Members of the plant family Zingiberaceae, known as spice lilies, have been eaten by the peoples of the Far East throughout history for their healing properties as well as their delicious taste. Recent scientific studies have confirmed the wisdom in these folk practices: ginger, together with its relatives turmeric, cardamom, and galangal, has been found to be effective in treating and preventing a wide number of illnesses. The Spice Lilies is the first book to bring together in one volume all the medical, culinary, and historical information on these four spices. From their ability to stimulate production of saliva, gastric juices, and bile--all of which contain enzymes that digest food--to their noted antibacterial and antiviral effects, all the healing properties of this remarkable plant family are covered. Ginger and turmeric are famous for their ability to prevent arteries from clogging and are known to reduce the effects of rheumatic diseases. Cardamom not only reduces heartburn and freshens breath but also can alleviate coughs. Galangal can make cruciferous vegetables much easier to digest.

In addition to providing complete health information on the spice lilies, Susanne Poth and Gina Sauer include more than 40 recipes designed to take full advantage of the healthy and delicious nature of these spices. From Thai soups that highlight galangale's unique flavor to piquant lamb curries, apple chutneys, and ginger cookies, The Spice Lilies will make staying healthy a delicious endeavor.
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