
Masters And The Spiritual Path

av Prophet Mark L & E

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2001
Antal sidor 360
ISBN 9780922729647
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You have friends in high places. There are masters who have come out of all the world's great spiritual traditions. These great lights of East and West have graduated from earth's schoolroom and reunited with Spirit in the process known as the ascension. The masters tell us that they are examples and not exceptions to the rule. We, too, are destined to fulfil our life's purpose and reunite with Spirit. This intriguing work offers an innovative perspective on the universe and your role in it. In this brilliant blend of East and West, you will discover valuable keys for your own spiritual path. You'll learn about the relationship between the ascension, nirvana and samadhi, the parallel structure of the spiritual and material universes, the difference between ascended and unascended masters, and the function of the spiritual hierarchy and the role of the masters. The Masters and the Spiritual Path also offers a unique meditation on the bliss of union with Spirit and a breathing exercise to help you balance and expand consciousness.
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