
Predict Your Future

av Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2004-09-01
Antal sidor 336
ISBN 9780922729982
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Is it really possible to predict your future? As we look at the universe around us, we see a rhythm to all of life. We discover that all things move in cycles. The law of cycles governs both the spiritual and material universes, for our world is a reflection of the world beyond, of higher realms, of spiritual dimensions. In this groundbreaking work, Elizabeth Clare Prophet shows how you can apply the law of cycles to your own life through a science known as the Cosmic Clock. This science will help you chart the cycles of your karma, the cause-and-effect sequences in your life, just as it will allow you to map the inner dimensions of your dharma, your duty to fulfil your reason for being. This is not predestination. But you can, by charting your personal Cosmic Clock, learn to see the patterns in your life and prepare for the challenges and the opportunities that come your way each day. Equipped with the powerful tools and techniques revealed in this book, you can make the most of your future and be the master of your fate, your cycles, your destiny. Includes 60 figures and illustrations, many in colour.
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