
Up and Running with Autodesk Advance Steel 2020: Volume 1

av Deepak Maini

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Förlag Independently Published
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2019-05-01
Antal sidor 648
ISBN 9781099184048
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This textbook covers in detail the tools that are used to create a 3D structural model. Real-world industry examples are specially chosen for the structural steel detailing and BIM industry. The author has specifically covered a number of pain-points that the users face on a day-to-day basis in their work.

The following are some of the salient features of this textbook:

  • Complimentary access to videos of all tutorials in the book.
  • Covers Imperial units based on English US installation and Metric units based on English Australia installation.
  • 646 pages of in-depth coverage of the tools to create 3D structural model from scratch.
  • Around 400 pages of tutorials on real-world Structural and Building models.
  • Detailed discussion of the Basic and Extended Modeling tools such as Portal/Gable Frames, Purlins, Trusses, Cage Ladders, Straight Stairs, Spiral Stairs, Hand-railings, and so on.
  • Detailed coverage of the Connection Vault to insert various types of connections.
  • Detailed coverage of how to create and save custom connections.
  • "What I do" tips describing some real-world challenges that Advance Steel users face and the author's approach in those situations.
  • Tips and Notes providing additional information about the topic in discussion.
  • End of chapter skill evaluation to review the concepts learnt in the chapter.

The following free teaching resources are available for faculty:

  • PowerPoint slides of every chapter in the textbook.
  • Answers to the Class Test Questions.
  • Help for designing the course curriculum.
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