
Wind Resource Assessment: A Practical Guide to Developing a Wind Project | 1:a upplagan

av Fiona Wilson, Michael Brower, Daniel W. Bernadett och Kurt V. Elsholz

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Förlag John Wiley And Sons Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2012-07-31
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 280
ISBN 9781118022320
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A practical, authoritative guide to the assessment of wind resources for utility-scale wind projects--authored by a team of experts from a leading renewable energy consultancyThe successful development of wind energy projects depends on an accurate assessment of where, how often, and how strongly the wind blows. A mistake in this stage of evaluation can cause severe financial losses and missed opportunities for developers, lenders, and investors."Wind Resource Assessment: A Practical Guide to Developing a Wind Project" shows readers how to achieve a high standard of resource assessment, reduce the uncertainty associated with long-term energy performance, and maximize the value of their project assets. Beginning with the siting, installation, and operation of a high-quality wind monitoring program, this book continues with methods of data quality control and validation, extrapolating measurements from anemometer height to turbine height, adjusting short-term observations for historical climate conditions, and wind flow modeling to account for terrain and surface conditions.In addition, "Wind Resource Assessment" addresses special topics such as: Worker safetyData securityRemote sensing technology (sodar and lidar)Offshore resource assessmentImpacts of climate changeUncertainty estimationPlant design and energy production estimatioFilled with important information ranging from basic fundamentals of wind to cutting-edge research topics, and accompanied by helpful references and discussion questions, this comprehensive text--designed for an international audience--is a vital reference that promotes consistent standards for wind assessment across the industry.
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