
Ancient Greek Religion | 3:e upplagan

av Jon D Mikalson, Andrej Petrovic och Ivana Petrovic

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Förlag John Wiley And Sons Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2021-12-16
Upplaga 3
Antal sidor 304
ISBN 9781119565628
Kategori(er) Religion
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Provides undergraduate students with a vibrant account of the religious world of ancient Greece, now in its third edition 

Ancient Greek Religion offers a detailed yet accessible introduction to the beliefs, myths, rituals, and deities of Greek religion. Author Jon D. Mikalson provides a vivid depiction of Greek religious practice in Athens, Delphi, and Olympia during the Classical period and in select other cities during the Hellenistic period. This reader-friendly textbook explains basic concepts of Greek polytheism, describes major deities and cults, and discusses various aspects of Greek religious life in the context of the city-state, the village, the family, and the individual. 

The revised third edition features new contributions by Andrej and Ivana Petrovic.  It has two new chapters: one highlighting Roman, Christian, and modern scholars’ approaches to Greek religion and one identifying the types of sources used to understand and reconstruct ancient Greek religion. This edition also expands discussion of magic and personal practices and includes an updated and expanded bibliography for each chapter. This popular textbook:  

  • Offers thorough coverage of major Greek gods, heroes, myths, and cults 
  • Presents translations of ancient texts to promote reflection and discussion 
  • Features a glossary of recurring Greek terms and a wealth of high-quality color maps, images, figures, and illustrations 
  • Describes Greek religious practice from the perspectives of different worshippers, such as priests, slaves, family members, and public officials 
  • Discusses various interpretations of the gods and the afterlife, the nature of piety and impiety, and the larger social and political context of ancient Greece  

Ancient Greek Religion, Third Edition, remains the ideal introductory textbook for undergraduate courses including Greek Civilization, Greek Religion, Greek and Roman Religion, Ancient Religions, and Greek History. It is also an excellent source of reference for graduate students, instructors, and scholars studying religious life in Classical Greece. 

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