
The Performance Studies Reader

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2015-08-17
Antal sidor 438
ISBN 9781138023369
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Since its first publication in 2002, The Performance Studies Reader has become the leading anthology of key writings on performance studies. Now in its third edition, it continues to offer an unparalleled selection of work by the foremost in this continually evolving field. These critical and theoretical contributions are joined in this edition by 16 new chapters, bringing the collection up to date with current discourse and ideas, and cross referencing exactly with Richard Schechner's Performance Studies: An Introduction. The two volumes combine perfectly to offer a unique and complete teaching resource. The Reader is also widely used by students and scholars around the world as a stand-alone text, offering a stimulating introduction to the crucial debates of Performance Studies. Each essay now includes new contextual headnotes from the editors, to introduce students to the writer and their impact on the field. Newly added to this edition are contributions from: Augusto Boal, Jill Dolan, Faye C. Fei and William H. Sun, Erika Fischer Lichte, E.Patrick Johnson, Petra Kuppers, Hans-Thies Lehmann, Bruce McConachie, Jacques Ranciere, Joseph Roach, Rebecca Schneider, Ngugi wa Thiongo The Reader provides an overview of the full range of performance theory for undergraduates at all levels, and beginning graduate students in performance studies, theatre, performing arts and cultural studies.
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