
Secondary Mathematics for Mathematicians and Educators : A View from Above | 1:a upplagan

av Michael Weiss

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-10-15
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2020/1
Antal sidor 276
ISBN 9781138294660
Kategori(er) Matematik & statistik
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In this engaging text, Michael Weiss offers an advanced view of the secondary mathematics curriculum through the prism of theory, analysis, and history, aiming to take an intellectually and mathematically mature perspective on the content normally taught in high school mathematics courses. Rather than a secondary mathematics textbook, Weiss presents here a textbook about the secondary mathematics curriculum, written for mathematics educators and mathematicians and presenting a long-overdue modern-day integration of the disparate topics and methods of secondary mathematics into a coherent mathematical theory. Areas covered include: Polynomials and polynomial functions; Geometry, graphs, and symmetry; Abstract algebra, linear algebra, and solving equations; Exponential and logarithmic functions; Complex numbers; The historical development of the secondary mathematics curriculum. Written using precise definitions and proofs throughout on a foundation of advanced content knowledge, Weiss offers a compelling and timely investigation into the secondary mathematics curriculum, relevant for preservice secondary teachers as well as graduate students and scholars in both mathematics and mathematics education.
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