
Translocational Belongings : Intersectional Dilemmas and Social Inequalities | 1:a upplagan

av Floya Anthias

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-07-09
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2020/1
Antal sidor 216
ISBN 9781138304291
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This book explores the multiform and shifting location of borders and boundaries in social life, related to difference and belonging. It contributes to understanding categories of difference as a building block for forms of belonging and inequality in the world today and as underpinning modern capitalist societies and their forms of governance. Reflecting on the ways in which we might theorise the connections between different social divisions and identities, a translocational lens for addressing modalities of power is developed, stressing relationality, the spatio-temporal and the processual in social relations. The book is organised around contemporary dilemmas of difference and inequality, relating to fixities and fluidities in social life and to current developments in the areas of racialisation, migration, gender, sexuality and class relations, and in theorising the articulations of gender, class and ethnic hierarchies. Rejecting the view that gender, ethnicity, race, class or the more specific categories of migrants or refugees pertain to social groups with certain fixed characteristics, they are treated as interconnected and interdependent places within a landscape of inequality making. This innovative and groundbreaking book constitutes a significant contribution to scholarship on intersectionality.
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