
Lhasa and its Mysteries | 1:a upplagan

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-06-30
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 508
ISBN 9781138311022
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First published in 1906, this volume emerged three years after the British expedition across the Alps to Lhasa, in which the author took part, and provided a first-hand British account of the mission. The expedition (also known as the British Invasion of Tibet) was intended to counter perceived Russian Imperial interests in access to India through Tibet. Its leaders did not anticipate the intention of Tibetans to resist the mission. The expedition allowed L. Austine Waddell, who had the opportunity to learn of Tibet during a previous posting at Darjeeling, to provide a first-hand account of Central Tibet, its capital at Lhasa, its Grand Lama religious hierarchy and its culture through following the narrative of the controversial British expedition. Despite the region’s historic relations with Asia, Europeans had previously had more difficulty accessing the country and its culture. This volume was the third edition in two years, having been made more accessible to accommodate for its favourable reception by the British public.
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