
Philosophy of Science : A Contemporary Introduction | 4:e upplagan

av Alex Rosenberg och Lee McIntyre

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2019-11-21
Upplaga 4
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 294
ISBN 9781138331518
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Any serious student attempting to better understand the nature, methods, and justification of science will value Alex Rosenberg and Lee McIntyre’s updated and substantially revised fourth edition of Philosophy of Science: A Contemporary Introduction. Weaving lucid explanations with clear analyses, the volume is a much- used, thematically oriented introduction to the field. The fourth edition has been thoroughly rewritten based on instructor and student feedback, to improve readability and accessibility, without sacrificing depth. It retains, however, all of the logically structured, extensive coverage of earlier editions, which a review in the journal Teaching Philosophy called “the industry standard” and “essential reading.” Key Features of the Fourth Edition: Revised and rewritten for readability based on feedback from student and instructor surveys. Updated text on the problem of underdetermination, social science, and the realism/antirealism debate. Improved continuity between chapters. Revised and updated Study Questions and annotated Suggested Readings at the end of each chapter. Updated Bibliography. For a list of relevant online primary sources, please visit:
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