
The Art of Experiment : Post-pandemic Knowledge Practices for 21st Century Architecture and Design | 1:a upplagan

av Rachel Armstrong och Rolf Hughes

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-12-21
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2020/1
Antal sidor 176
ISBN 9781138479579
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A handbook for navigating our troubled and precarious times intended to help readers imagine and make their world anew. In search of new knowledge practices that can help us make the world liveable again, this book takes the reader on a journey across time – from the deep past to the unfolding future. The authors search beyond human knowledge to establish negotiated partnerships with forms of knowledge within the planet itself, examining how we have manipulated these historically through an anthropocentric focus. The book explores the many different kinds of knowledge, and the diversity of instruments needed to invoke and actuate the potency of human and nonhuman agencies. Four key phases in our ways of knowing are identified: material, strengthening, reconfiguring and extending. These are exemplified through case studies that take the form of worlding experiments, creating a handbook for navigating our troubled and precarious times that may help each reader imagine and make their world anew. This pioneering work will inspire architects, artists, and designers as well as students, teachers and researchers across arts and design disciplines.
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