
International Political Economy : Sixth Edition | 6:e upplagan

av Thomas Oatley

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2018-08-06
Upplaga 6
Fler upplagor 2011/0, 2018/6
Antal sidor 394
ISBN 9781138490741
Kategori(er) Samhälle & politik
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Broadly viewing the global economy as a political competition that produces winners and losers, International Political Economy holistically and accessibly introduces the field of IPE to students with limited background in political theory, history, and economics. This text surveys major interests and institutions and examines how state and non-state actors pursue wealth and power. Emphasizing fundamental economic concepts as well as the interplay between domestic and international politics, International Political Economy not only explains how the global economy works, it also encourages students to think critically about how economic policy is made in the context of globalization. New to the Sixth Edition Covers the economic impacts of 2016 electoral events, including new Trump administration initiatives related to TPP and NAFTA; the UK and Brexit, and the European populist wave. Examines the global financial crisis, EU debt crisis, quantitative easing, global capital flow cycles, and currency wars. Probes the death of the Doha Round and explores individual trade preferences, WTO dispute settlement, bilateral investment treaties and global value chains, labor standards, and the role of institutions for economic development. Considers how U.S. monetary and fiscal policy shapes the flow of financial capital into and out of emerging market economies with a focus on the "Fragile Five," whether the Chinese Renminbi can displace the dollar as a global currency, and the newly constructed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Explores the impact of migration on wages and income inequality, and the growing importance of working remittances as a source of capital for developing countries.
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