
Self-Esteem in Children with Special Educational Needs | 1:a upplagan

av Peter W. Gurney

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-08-15
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 170
ISBN 9781138588004
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First published in 1988. The mounting concern in schools over widespread failure in academic achievement, greater disaffection in children and the lack of confidence in many school leavers are highlighted by the difficulties experienced by children who have special educational needs. Within this group the importance of the child’s evaluation of him or herself – i.e. self-esteem – is a neglected issue. This book investigates how the level of self-esteem appears to influence social behaviour and school performance in children with special educational needs. It discusses the practical steps that can be taken to assess and enhance self-esteem in children with special needs and evaluates their effectiveness. The author emphasises the discrepancy between the performance of children who have special educational needs in ordinary classrooms with that achieved in special settings. He argues that the negative impact on a child’s self-esteem created by placing him/her in an ordinary classroom may outweigh the benefits of greater integration. A full and informative treatment of both the theoretical and practical implications of a neglected subject, this text book is suitable for experienced special educational needs teachers and those undergoing teacher training, as well as psychologists with an academic interest in the self-concept or a professional involvement in assessing children.
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