
Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 7th Edition | 7:e upplagan

av Brigitte Nicoulaud, Nick Lee, Graham Hooley och John Rudd

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Förlag Pearson Education
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-01-13
Upplaga 7
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 616
ISBN 9781292276540
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For undergraduate and postgraduate students taking modules in Marketing Strategy, Marketing Management and Strategic Marketing Management.


Understand and formulate rigorous marketing strategies and differential advantage in today’s marketplace


Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning, 7th Edition, by Hooley, Nicoulaud, Rudd and Lee provides a deep understanding of the process of developing and implementing a rigorous marketing strategy. This book focuses on competitive positioning and includes in-depth discussions of the processes used within marketing to achieve competitive advantage in a business environment - by creating and sustaining superior performance in the marketplace. The key approach used in this book is to focus on two central issues in marketing strategy formulation – the identification of target markets, and the creation of a differential advantage. In doing so, it recognises the emergence of potential new target markets born of the recession, increased concern for climate change and disruption from ongoing technological advances. It helps you examine ways in which firms can differentiate offerings through recognition of environmental and social concerns and innovation.


Pearson, the world’s learning company.

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