
The Whole30 Day by Day: Your Daily Guide to Whole30 Success

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2017-12-01
ISBN 9781328839237
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Tips, hacks, advice, and inspiration to help you achieve Whole30 success every day of the program Whole30 Day by Day is the essential companion to the New York Times bestseller The Whole30; a daily handbook to keep you motivated, inspired, accountable, and engaged during your Whole30 journey. It's like having Whole30's own Melissa Hartwig coaching you through the Whole30 one day at a time, sharing a day-by-day timeline, personal motivation, community inspiration, habit hacks, and meal tips. Plus, each day offers guidance for self-reflection, food journaling, and tracking your non-scale victories, and each week features a week-in-review section to keep your momentum going and help you plan for the days to come.Whole30 Day by Day also serves as a quick-reference guide for the program: keeping the rules handy, sharing helpful resources, and walking you through the important reintroduction phase, one day at a time. You'll carry it everywhere during the program, using it to stay accountable and motivated during the 30 days, and letting the observations and reflections you record guide your food freedom plan long after your Whole30 is over.

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Detta är vår ambition och vi tummar inte på något för att nå dit. Vi finns till för att hjälpa studenter att spara och tjäna pengar på sin kurslitteratur samtidigt som vi tillsammans gör miljön en tjänst. Företaget startade våren 2005 av två studenter och har sedan dess strävat mot att ständigt göra det enklare att köpa och sälja begagnad kurslitteratur för så många som möjligt.

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