
Key Controversies in European Integration | 3:e upplagan

av Hubert Zimmermann och Andreas Dür

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2021-03-27
Upplaga 3
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 276
ISBN 9781352011906
Kategori(er) Samhälle & politik
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Is the EU a success or a failure?

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The Big Waste or Essential to Feed Europe? The Common Agricultural Policy

Observers of the European Union could be forgiven in thinking that since its inception the EU project has been under threat from near constant crises. In recent years, controversial issues such as EU enlargement, the fallout from the Eurozone crisis, migration policies, Brexit and the Corona pandemic have tested the EU to its limits and divided public opinion in the process.

The major third edition of this comprehensive textbook on the EU seeks to introduce the integration project by looking at the thorny debates politicians, European citizens and the media contend with on a daily basis. Well known for its unique and pedagogically-innovative key debates format, the editors have invited top names in the field to contribute a stirring contribution either ‘for’ or ‘against’ each of the toughest political questions the EU faces. In doing so, not only does it offer a broad introduction to all the key concerns of the Union, but it does so in a way that is contemporary, engaging and designed to spark controversy.

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