
The External Action of the European Union : Concepts, Approaches, Theories | 1:a upplagan

av Sieglinde Gstohl och Simon Schunz

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-03-26
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 325
ISBN 9781352012187
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This groundbreaking new textbook offers extensive coverage of EU External Action studies, from its major concepts to the key theories in the field. Over the past decades, the European Union has progressively developed into a significant global actor in an increasing number of policy fields. This long-awaited volume looks into different ways of conceptualizing the EU as a global actor, the processes and impact of EU external action, explanations offered by IR and integration theories, the discursive, normative, practice and gender ‘turns’, and the ‘decentring agenda’ for EU external action. The book offers a reader-friendly guidance on these various ways in which to study the EU as a global actor: each chapter introduces one concept, approach or theory and illustrates its application by a case study of EU external action. In drawing the different perspectives together, the book underscores that ‘EU External Action Studies’ is becoming an academic specialty in its own right. Written by leading experts, the volume will make essential reading for students, scholars and practitioners of EU external action.

EU External Action Studies nowadays attract attention from scholars and students in International Relations (IR), Foreign Policy Analysis and (interdisciplinary) EU Studies, as well as from practitioners. 
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