
Born Knowing: A Medium's Journey--Accepting & Embracing My Spiritual Gifts

av Holland John & Pearlman C

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2003-02-01
Antal sidor 272
ISBN 9781401900823
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In Born Knowing, psychic John Holland explains in his open and candid way how he dealt with his conflict by coming to terms with, and finally accepting, his rare ability as a spirit messenger who helps people connect with those who have passed on.

Born in the tough suburbs of Boston, John coped with a difficult childhood, where he was ridiculed by his family and society, leaving him feeling isolated because of his psychic abilities. He refused to acknowledge his gift until a near-fatal automobile accident amplified his skills to the point that he had to learn how to control what was once pushed away.

Drawn by the history and knowledge of spiritualism in England, John went on a two-year journey throughout Great Britain. He tells the story of his training in the British spiritualist organizations and his time at Arthur Findlay College, an institution for psychic studies that John refers to humorously as “Spirit Boot Camp.” He goes on to explain how he gained acceptance and respect within this tightly knit, often-conservative spiritual community. 

Throughout Born Knowing, John presents real-life case studies where he discusses his readings with clients, the effect on their lives, and the sense of closure people feel, knowing that their loved ones who have passed on are still with them.

The book will also help you discover and develop your own psychic and intuitive abilities, recognize signals from the Other Side, and make spiritual connections for yourself.
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