
Home in Harmony

av Christa O'Leary

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Förlag The Book Services TBS
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2014-11-03
Antal sidor 240
ISBN 9781401943288
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Christa O'Leary makes it possible for all of us to feel inspired, energized and in love with our lives and our safe havens - our homes. Many books address the components found in Home in Harmony, including design, colour, feng shui, psychology, clean eating, detoxification, meditation and finding our soul's purpose. However, this is the first book that puts it all together in a fun-to-read, easy-to-implement format. This is the formula for living an extraordinary life, and it's now available to everyone.

We all deserve a calm, well-ordered, pleasingly designed refuge where we can relax and enjoy our families. Having had four children in a little more than five years while running a thriving design business, with the body of a fit runner who does yoga and meditates, Christa O'Leary has become the guardian at the gate of our sanctuaries - our homes. She teaches us to be aware of the toxins found in both our food and furnishings; the detrimental effects of our unhealthy habits; and society's frantic need to have the latest gadgets, to get ahead and to be forever on the go. As a designer, therapist and eco-friendly expert, she's often asked how she makes her life and peaceful, beautiful, healthy home look so effortless. Well, the hunt for her secret is over!

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