
The Affirmations Coloring Book

av Louise L Hay & Friends

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Förlag The Book Services TBS
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2015-10-27
Antal sidor 96
ISBN 9781401950507
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World-famous teacher Louise Hay has already helped millions of people to free themselves from the cycles of fear, stress, and guilt that limit our lives. Now, in this first ever affirmations coloring book, Louise combines the life-changing powers of affirmations with the profound positive effects of creativity. This unique combination will enable readers to start creating deep shifts in their lives. This stunning coloring book, in collaboration with Alberta Hutchinson, features 44 affirmations, each coupled with an exquisite illustration and decorative border. Colouing these in and focusing on the affirmation at the same time encourages our minds to put attention on what we truly desire in life. What's more, through creative right-brain activity, we tap into our subconscious, and therefore all transformations through this process are even more effective and long-lasting. For all those who want to take their work with affirmations to a new level through an enjoyable, relaxing and meditative activity.
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