
The English Language and Linguistics Companion | 2:a upplagan

av Keith Allan, Julie Bradshaw och Geoffrey Finch

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Förlag Förlagssystem bokimporten
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2010-04-14
Upplaga 2
Antal sidor 366
ISBN 9781403989710
Kategori(er) Språk & ordböcker
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Interested in discovering how language works? Daunted by the prospect of studying linguistics at university? "The English Language and Linguistics Companion "is a tool-kit for the novice linguist. Integrating study skills with substantive coverage," "it offers an innovative approach to the study of English language and linguistics, helping students see how their chosen discipline 'fits together'.

A one-stop resource, this practical and highly accessible guide:

- Provides a comprehensive overview of contemporary approaches to the study of language and outlines the contribution of significant scholars to the development of the field

- Introduces the core topics and concepts of linguistics and the study of language including: the study of the sounds used in human languages, the analysis of the structure of words, phrases, sentences, and longer texts, and the exploration of the ways in which meaning is expressed in language

- Summarizes key issues in applied linguistics, including work in the areas of first and second language acquisition and forensic linguistics

- Defines and illustrates the key terms and concepts in the discipline of linguistics

- Offers practical advice on the skills required when studying linguistics and suggests a range of possible career pathways

- Illustrates approaches to linguistic research and recommends resources for linguistic inquiry and the study of language

Packed full of information and guidance, this is an essential resource for prospective linguistics students and anyone with an interest in the study of language.

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