
There's A House Inside My Mummy

av Giles Andreae

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Förlag Franklin Watts
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Board book
Utgiven 2012-01-05
ISBN 9781408315880
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A funny and tender board book story about waiting for a new brother or sister to arrive.

There's a house inside my mummy,
Where my little brother grows,
Or maybe it's my little sister
No one really knows.

Waiting for a new brother or sister to arrive can be a confusing and worrying time for young children. Sharing this simple rhyming story together is the perfect way to reassure your little one and involve them in all the excitement. Told with humour and warmth by Giles Andreae, the author of much-loved family favourite Giraffes Can't Dance.

'A great book for sharing with your first born while your second is still in the 'tummy house'' - The Times

A note from the author:
'When my wife became pregnant for the second time, I was talking to Flinn, our 2-year old son, about what was going to take place and how exciting it would be for him to have a brother or sister. I started to think about it as though I were a young child myself ... 'There's a house inside my mummy' was a phrase that just popped into my head, and from then on the book was a joy to write.'

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