

av Tom Holland

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Förlag Little Brown
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2023-07-06
Fler upplagor 2024/0
Antal sidor 448
ISBN 9781408707005
Kategori(er) Historia & arkeologi
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The definitive history of Rome's golden age - antiquity's ultimate superpower at the pinnacle of its greatness

The Pax Romana has long been revered as a golden age. At its peak, the Roman Empire stretched from Scotland to Arabia, and contained perhaps a quarter of humanity. It was the wealthiest and most formidable state the world had yet seen.

Beginning in 69AD, a year that saw four Caesars in succession rule the empire, and ending some seven decades later with the death of Hadrian, Pax presents a dazzling history of Rome at the height of its power. From the gilded capital to realms beyond the frontier, historian Tom Holland portrays the Roman Empire in all its predatory glory. Vivid scene follows vivid scene: the destruction of Jerusalem and Pompeii, the building of the Colosseum and Hadrian's Wall, the conquests of Trajan. Vividly sketching the lives of Romans both ordinary and spectacular, from slaves to emperors, Holland demonstrates how Roman peace was the fruit of unprecedented military violence.

A stunning portrait of Rome's glory days, this is the epic history of the pax Romana.

Praise for Tom Holland:
'Terrific: bold, ambitious and passionate' Peter Frankopan
'An exceptionally good storyteller with a marvellous eye for detail' The Economist
'A book that completely transforms your understanding of the world' Spectator
'Narrative history at its best' Ian McEwan, Guardian

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